NJROTC Handbook
School Year 2012-2013
Also published on our instructor web pages linked to www.carsonhigh.com
The Naval
Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps Program is a ninth through twelfth grade citizenship-leadership program sponsored by
the Navy at Carson High School
since 1974. Nationwide there are over six hundred high schools that have the Navy program. There is no military obligation
associated with JROTC whatsoever. However, students are eligible to receive special privileges such as eating at base
dining facilities, and shopping in base exchanges while on field trips. If a student satisfactorily completes three years
of NJROTC and enlists in any branch of the armed forces after graduation, he or she may enter at an advanced pay grade, as
much as eighteen months ahead of the other recruits. Completion of two years of NJROTC satisfies the physical education requirement
for high school graduation. Also, there are NROTC scholarship and Naval Academy opportunities
for outstanding NJROTC students.
There are two NJROTC instructors at the high school. Lieutenant Commander Jones is beginning his 4th year
as a Naval Science Instructor. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree from Southern Illinois University while serving
in the U.S. Air Force and retired from the U.S. Navy after 25 years of military service. He served the first half of his military
career as a U.S. Air Force Pararescue Technician and his second half as a
U.S. Navy SEAL.
Chief Bisson is starting his first year as a Naval Science Instructor. He joins us after he retired from the Navy with over
30 years' experience. Master Chief has been assigned to various commands worldwide.
Class procedures:
Academics: The Navy furnishes a textbook for each student.
Subject areas in the four-year program include: career opportunities in the armed services, naval history, maritime geography,
oceanography, meteorology, marine navigation, survival, land navigation, and leadership. Students will spend about forty-five
minutes of each class period engaged in academics.
Military Performance/Uniform Wear: A requirement of the
program is for each student to wear the prescribed uniform at school one day each week, normally a Tuesday or Wednesday when
their naval science class meets. The Navy supplies all uniform items at no cost to the student other than occasional cleaning.
Most of the uniform items are washable except for the service dress blue jacket, relaxed fit jacket, black garrison cap and
tie. Students must pay for lost or damaged uniform items. On uniform day, we inspect each cadet and note the discrepancies.
Then we assign a military performance grade; with minor discrepancies, a grade of 90 or above is normal. If a cadet is absent
on a uniform day, he or she must wear the uniform on the first day he or she returns to naval science class with no grade
penalty. If a cadet does not wear the uniform on uniform day, he or she may wear it the next naval science class day for a
maximum grade of 80. For all uniform make-ups, the cadet must check in with the naval science instructor before the first
period and again after school. If they fail to wear the uniform as required, students will receive a zero and placed
on detention until the uniform is made up.
Unit Formations: The cadet staff organizes and conducts
two/three unit formations a semester. All cadets will wear the assigned uniform on the same day, all day, and be asked to
participate in an after school formation. The training will be completed no later than 3:30 PM. The cadet staff will conduct
that week's uniform inspection under the supervision of the naval science instructors. This allows the unit leaders to become
familiar with their people and it also helps the under class students to know their leaders. We may also practice some unit
or platoon drill to prepare for our Annual Military Inspection. We will announce the date of the formation and uniform well
in advance. Those cadets who can not attend must notify the naval science instructors in advance, must wear the uniform on
the normal uniform day for credit, and will have an alternate written assignment.
Standards: When the cadets wear the uniform, they must conform to Navy grooming standards outlined in their handbook.
For males, hair must be smoothly tapered on the sides and the back, must not touch the
ears nor be longer than four inches on top. Side bums may not extend past the middle of the ear. Unlike active duty sailors,
students will not be required to get a fresh haircut once a week. Generally the student can go 3-4 weeks in between haircuts.
In our inspections we will give the student a warning on when it is time to start looking at getting a hair cut. If the student
reaches a point where the haircut is inappropriate for wear in the uniform, the student will not be allowed to wear the uniform,
giving a zero for a grade and placed on detention. The instructors are ready to assist and advise students who have problems
getting a proper haircut due to financial or other reasons.
Barbers who are familiar with the hair standards:
Barber Shop-2070 Hwy
50 East (by Scolari's)-841-0866
Ami's -2085 Highway
50 East #25 (just west of Gold Dust West across parking lot from Subway)-841-1923
females, hair must be arranged so that it does not fall below the bottom of the collar. If put up, the style must
be against the head, that is, not a ponytail or other such a arrangement.
in uniform: Male cadets may not wear earrings while they are in uniform. Female cadets may wear one earring per ear
lobe, gold stud only, while in uniform. Neither may wear any other facial jewelry while in uniform. Please remind your cadet
not to get any new facial piercing until the summer of 2011.
Participation in class: We expect that our cadets will participate in the course activities including
military drill, current events, group discussions and physical fitness. We will assign a participation grade for most of these
Physical Fitness: Since our course satisfies the physical
education requirement for graduation, we do have some physical fitness testing and training, usually on the last class day
of the week. Once each semester, we will administer the Navy physical fitness test (Presidential fitness challenge) to all
cadets. We will announce the dates of the test and make-up day well in advance. Those who are absent on the test day may make
up the test after school. This is the only opportunity each semester to earn (or lose) the physical fitness ribbon. For all
physical fitness training, the students must wear the Navy T-shirt, athletic shorts and athletic shoes. We hope to be able
to give them a Navy sweatshirt before the cold weather sets in, if not, then students will be able to wear their own sweats
during cold weather. Jeans, jean shorts, or other non-athletic shorts are not acceptable. We conduct military style physical
fitness; our normal routine is stretching, calisthenics and a formation run. We strive for effort and participation, realizing
that our students have varying levels of fitness. After the physical fitness training, we will play softball, volleyball or
another team activity. If a student has an injury that prevents him or her from participating, the parent should send
an e-mail (dbisson@carson.k12.nv.us or fjones@carson.k12.nv.us) or call 283-1781/1780 and leave a message. A doctor’s excuse will be required for
repeated notices or for long term excuses. Even if a student has an excuse, they still should dress out for a grade
and do what they are physically capable of doing. Students who forget their athletic gear for PT will be required to rent
our rental shirts and shorts. Students who do not have money to rent the rental gear will be required to do work details at
the ROTC building, during lunch or after school, to pay for the rental. As with the military uniform, we will not
accept not dressing out!
Grading percentages: These are the percentages we plan
to use during the 2010-2011 school year. They may be modified if the administration changes its requirements’. We post
cumulative grades in the classroom each week and parents have access to the power school for parents program.
Military performance (uniform wear)-35%
Participation (physical fitness, current events)-15%
Physical Fitness Test-10%
Final exam (includes practical exam)-20%
Health screening and Standard release forms: The Navy
requires that each NJROTC cadet complete a health questionnaire and a standard release form. The Heath Screening form recommends/request
pre-participation sports physical only if the students answers to any of the questions with a yes (Call the
ROTC office for guidance). The Navy JROTC requires Physicals
for the Rifle team, the summer leadership academies and extracurricular activities. The Navy requires that these forms be maintained in the student’s ROTC folder so we ask that you sign and
return the forms as soon as possible.
Tardy Policy: The Navy ROTC will follow the high schools
policy. The NJROTC awards a 10 push-up reminder for the first four and then lunch detention.
Probation: For students who fail to meet the minimum
standards of our program, we will place them on probation by a letter detailing the discrepancies and remedies. We request
that the parent or guardian sign and return this letter to us. If the student still fails to meet the requirements by the
deadline listed in the letter, we will request the guidance counselor to transfer the student to another class at the end
of the school year for freshman or at the end of the semester for upper classmen. This program is not for everyone.
Activities: We encourage our students to participate in school or NJROTC extracurricular activities. Some of our activities
are drill team, color guard, rifle team, orienteering team, etc. Other after school extracurricular activities are supported
by the NJROTC as well. For Example: athletic teams, band, drama, officers of clubs, judicial board, and student government.
Participation in these activities adds an extra dimension to their high school experience and develops leadership and interpersonal
skills. Participation in extracurricular activities is weighted heavily when
selecting students for field trips.
Competition: During the school year, we compete with the other Navy schools, Churchill
County, Damonte Ranch, Reed and South Tahoe High Schools, in four areas, military drill, rifle, orienteering
and a field meet (athletics). Cadets are encouraged to join at least one team to support our unit.
Color Guard-Drill Team: The color guard presents the
colors at athletic events, civic functions and other activities upon request throughout the year. Color guard members should
have prior marching experience learned through drill team experience or have at least one year in NJROTC. Unarmed drill team
membership is noncompetitive and all students are encouraged to join. The armed and unarmed drill teams learn basic and exhibition
military drill. All units participate in the Nevada Day Parade, The Veterans Day Parade in Virginia City, and competitive
drill meets at Reed High
School and Spanish Springs High School in
October and November. The color guard and drill teams will begin practice on 1 September and will practice each day except
Friday from 1:50 PM until no later than 3:30 PM. Members must attend practice unless excused by the advisor or team commander.
(Cadets absent from school are excused from practice) Practice stops after the November drill meets, except for a few practices
in February/March to prepare for the middle school orientation visits.
Rifle Team: The rifle team is a varsity sport during the winter season, which begins
in November. We conduct practices at the Carson High rifle range after school until about 4:30 PM. All Nevada Interscholastic
Activities Association rules must be observed to participate. This means that each prospective member must complete the form
package and obtain a blue clearance form from the athletic department before they can try out. They also must meet academic
eligibility requirements. Each year, many cadets do not participate because of failure to meet these requirements. Cadets
should start early to complete the requirements. Rifle team
selection is competitive; team members may earn a varsity if they participate in a sufficient number of matches. During the
season, the team competes in shoulder-to-shoulder and postal matches, including several
national matches.
Drum and Bugle Corps: Beginning with school year 2003-4, we started a drum
and bugle corps for those students who want to continue their music participation. Practice schedules will be determined
at the first meeting.
Orienteering Team: We have an orienteering team that
participates in two locale meets with the other navy/army schools as part of our Inter-NJROTC competition. The team will begin
practice in the April after school and members will have the opportunity to earn the orienteering ribbon.
Additional Information:
Promotion System: Our cadets earn promotions through voluntary participation in our system; the cadet officers
administer the program after school. Requirements include a written or oral test, a demonstration of military drill, a physical
fitness test (consisting of push~ups,
sit~ups and a one-mile run), and demonstrated satisfactory citizenship in all classes. By the end of
the sophomore year, those cadets who have not earned the rank of chief petty officer may not be allowed to continue NJROTC
into their junior year. Required standards for each rank are posted in the back of the Sergeant Major’s class room.
Standards of Conduct for Leaders: The naval science instructors appoint
cadet officers and chief petty officers to specific jobs in our program. Because of their positions of authority and responsibility,
cadet officers and chief petty officers must conform to high standards of conduct. Failure to meet them will have consequences.
The cadet officers themselves developed the following standards:
-Must wear uniform all day on uniform days.
~ Must maintain a 2.5 grade
point average in naval science.
encourage academic and extracurricular performance in cadets.
set the example for military bearing.
assist instructors to eliminate hazing and sexual harassment.
have satisfactory school attendance.
strive for personal excellence in school performance.
participate in unit and school extra curricular activities.
participate in unit fund raisers and community service projects.
-Must assist instructors in enforcing proper uniform wear by other cadets.
-Must attain the physical fitness standards for chief petty officer on the semester physical fitness tests.
Field Trips: We plan to take several field trips this year: our basic leadership training (October)
and a visit to San Diego, California (March). Participation in these field trips is
voluntary. The basic leadership training is for those who have not attended before, while the San Diego trip is for selected students based on their
overall performance and participation in NJROTC and school extra curricular activities. We will not take students on overnight
field trips that lack self-discipline or are disruptive in class. Also, we screen our students' teachers before field trips
and will not allow those students with academic or behavior problems to participate. The cost of our field trips is reasonable,
approximately $20 a day for food/lodging, $120 for bus transportation and amusement park admission. We will provide letters
with more details about each trip.
Students who complete up to three years of NJROTC gain a slight edge in the competition for NROTC scholarships and Naval Academy
appointments. Probably the best advantage is being counseled about admissions requirements early in their high school career,
which allows the serious student time to complete these requirements. Qualified NJROTC cadets who have demonstrated solid
leadership traits and have been successful in the NJROTC high school programs, may be given special consideration for NROTC
college scholarships, given on a separate board for NJROTC cadets.
Naval Ball/Awards Ceremony: We will have an annual dinner and awards ceremony in the spring. Attendance
is voluntary; cost is about $24 per person. The boys wear the service dress blue uniform; the girls wear long or short dresses.
We cordially invite the parents to attend. Proper attire is coat and tie for gentlemen; dresses for ladies. We will not permit
attendance by cadets who are on probation or consistently fail to wear the uniform.
Fund-Raising: We have several fund-raisers to defray expenses not reimbursed
by the Navy. Participation is voluntary. (Freshmen need a permission slip from home to participate)
We will sell the Entertainment Books this year as part of a school-wide fundraising effort and ask that you
buy from one of our cadets if you plan to buy any books. They actually are a good value if you use the coupons. The books
sell for $30. Cadets who sell two books will be eligible to receive a participation
ribbon to wear on their uniforms.
November, our cadets will sell World's Finest Chocolate bars for $1.00 each, from boxes that contain 50 bars. We will not
issue a second box of candy until the cadet has turned in the money from the previous box. We do this so that our students
are not responsible for a large amount of money. However, they are responsible for the candy or money outstanding. Those cadets
who sell two boxes earn a unit service ribbon Sellers of at least one box will receive ten dollars off the price for the field
trip if they are selected to attend. Because of the nutrition rules that went into effect in 2006, the candy bars may NOT
be sold on the high school campus.
Leadership Academy: Each summer in June, we invite our cadet leaders (Juniors/Seniors) for the next school year to
attend a leadership academy with cadets from other schools in our area. This is demanding and very physical training. Those
cadets interested in attending should prepare early in the spring by a program of running, and strength exercises such as
push-ups and curl-ups. They must pass the physical fitness test before attending. We award a silver aiguillette to cadets
who successfully complete the training.
Military Inspection: The Navy requires that a senior active duty officer inspect our unit during the school year to ensure
compliance with the rules of the program. It begins
with a personnel inspection in the rifle range in the morning. During the morning, the cadet officers will brief the inspector
on their goals and accomplishments. In the afternoon, the unit passes in review. Also, each platoon demonstrates military
drill and the drill teams perform. We cordially invite parents and friends to attend the after noon pass-in-review. We will
have several practices before the inspection. Because absences greatly affect our grade from the navy, we may not allow cadets
with unexcused absences to participate in the field trips or the Naval Ball.
Service: The cadet staff will plan several community service projects during the school year. Participation by the cadets
is voluntary but will be invaluable in their citizenship development. They will earn the community service ribbon if they
participate in two of our projects and earn ten documented hours, some of which can be earned with another agency, for example,
Carson-Tahoe Regional Medical Center, FISH. We will send home notices prior to any of our community service projects.
Platoon Competition: The unit commander conducts competition among the platoons throughout the school
year. The commander awards streamers for the platoon guide-on at the completion of each phase. The areas of competition include
academics, military drill, marksmanship, physical fitness, inspections, participation, spirit, community service, and field
meets. Recognition for platoon accomplishments is given at the after school formation.
Building Accessibility: We have microwave ovens available
for student use at any time other than class time. Telephones are usable for local calls with our permission. Our normal building
hours are from 7:00 AM until around 4:00 PM. Students are welcome in the building during that time. We will enforce behavior
standards that do not allow horseplay; those who do not comply will be asked to leave.
Building Cleaning:
As part of our leadership and citizenship training our students are the custodians of their building. We assign them cleaning
duties periodically, including the heads (navy term for toilets). We have the necessary gear, including rubber gloves, for
the cleaning. We expect our students to be model citizens in their building, with no eating, drinking (except for water) or
gum-chewing in the classrooms at any time. We expect them to pick up their trash, keep their feet off the bulkheads (walls),
and to treat their building as if they were at home.